An event every week that begins at 2:00 pm on Tuesday, repeating until May 23, 2017
8 people are attending Dazzle Tots Amberley
Littleworth Hall, Amberley
For boys and girls aged 3-5 years
Tuesday May 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd
4 classes – £12 per child
Creative, gentle sessions for boys and girls aged 3-5 exploring different themes and dance styles.
Dazzle Tots are creative sessions of small groups, tailored for pre-school boys and girls from aged 3. Each session explores a theme through games, drama, music, movement, song and craft and is aimed at gently encouraging and developing self confidence, independence, fine motor skills. co-ordination and teamwork. As the group arrive there is a game or activity to play and 15 minutes at the end to play, dance, chat and be silly. Children are gently encouraged to participate. There is always the option of sitting out and watching if a child is not ready to join in. The aim is to make the sessions as enjoyable as possible so everyone can relax and have fun.
Themes last term included Storms, Dinosaurs, Easter, Pirates and Colours.
The May courses will be exploring Africa, Spiders, Outer Space and Unicorns.
Tea, coffee and refreshments for parents/carers and squash and a biscuit for the little Dazzler!