During this third lockdown it is not safe for Dazzle to run its classes, holiday clubs, weekend clubs and parties. Anyone booked on to any courses or clubs have been contacted regarding the remaining classes. We hope they can continue as soon as it safe.  

We have been working hard to implement changes to our programme to allow us to operate safely within the current Public Health England parameters, whilst still ensuring the children in our care have as much FUN as possible.

Before you book, it is important you read and understand the below but please see the full Covid-19 Risk Assessment on the documents page on dazzleworkshops.co.uk covering all of the points in more detail.

*Government advice is to consider sending your child to the same, local setting consistently, in order to prevent your child from mixing with multiple different groups of children.

*Our clubs will operate in a ‘Covid Secure’ way with greatly enhanced hygiene and cleaning routines, contactless booking, extra staff training and social distancing encouraged at all times. Our clubs will run in a different way to normal, with an adapted programme of activities with the ‘free play’ impacted the most and a more structured schedule together as a group.

*Capacities will be reduced from normal levels, and will vary depending on the venue space. We would advise you to book your sessions as soon as you know which dates you require in order to avoid disappointment

*Parents will not be permitted inside the centre building when dropping off and collecting their children and will be required to wait outside, following the current socially distancing guidelines.

*Children will be required to use hand sanitiser as they enter and leave the building and the team will be checking hand washing after toilet breaks. Social distancing will be encouraged between the children and the team with allocated hall spaces and individual equipment, but during first aid and care of children, closer contact may be necessary.

*If your child is showing symptoms of Covid-19 such as a new consistent cough or a high temperature your child must not attend Dazzle and should self-isolate in accordance with government guidelines. A refund will not be offered unless with a minimum weeks notice of the booking or if a suitable replacement booking is found.

*If a child or member of staff shows signs of Covid-19 they will be sent home and advised to follow the stay at home guidelines. A parent or carer must be available to contact during the child’s time at Dazzle. If a child, family or staff member develops Covid-19 all parents of children attending on the same day will be contacted and Dazzle will be unable to offer its clubs for at least 7 days.

*If you do choose to book now, we would like you to do so with full confidence. Please rest assured that if a class or course is unable to open due to a Covid-19 infection and we are unable to offer you the sessions that you have booked, we will provide you with a refund, for the full value of all sessions cancelled. A refund can only be offered with a weeks cancellation.

We hope that you and your families stay safe and well during this difficult time and look forward to seeing you and your children at our clubs soon!

Dazzle Workshops

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