This Mondays relaxation theme is a forest visualisation. Moss covered rocks, trickling streams, natural springs, fresh water, branches swaying high, twigs snapping under your feet …. this is my favourite landscape and a forest walk (without a phone) guarantees to clear my head. Sometimes the best thing to do is to step away from all the responsibilities, chores and pressures. Only then you can be clear and prioritise.
Dazzles ‘Stretch-Rest-Relax’ is a unique self care hour for ladies. It is a perfect post work out, calming your mind and body after the ladies dance class or works independently as a de-stressing, energising start to your week. A 20 minute gentle stretching is followed by a guided body scan and visualisation relaxation, snuggled up under lots of blankets and your own candle and eye mask. There is no rush, nothing to do but relax. A glass of herbal tea is brought to you at the end of the class. It is dark and late but prioritise yourself and allow yourself to be looked after. Feel free to arrive from 8.35pm and join the ladies dance cool down. Monday’s at Minchinhampton Youth Centre 8.45pm-9.45pm £5 or £9 if staying for the dance class before.

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